Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Green Sourcing Is Spreading Across the Globe, An Interview with John Wilkerson, CPSM

APQC spoke with green supply chain consultant John Wilkerson about recent global sourcing developments. Wilkerson is an author, global supply chain business adviser to the private sector, international trade adviser to the Obama administration, and U.S. Clean Energy delegate to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperative (APEC).

Wilkerson works with Bellwether Services, a consulting group in Atlanta, GA. In addition to strategic sourcing, Wilkerson consults on supply chain cost reduction as well as other sustainability issues.

Wilkerson was previously employed by Pepsi-Cola, Nestle Purina, and Dannon Waters of North America. He is a Certified Professional in Supply Management and Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt. His functional expertise includes global sourcing, global supply chain management, sales and operations planning, and sustainable supply chains.

APQC: Why has green sourcing and sustainable procurement become an important topic?

John Wilkerson: Leaders at organizations like Dell, AT&T, P&G, and the U.S. government understand our future environmental challenges and potential long-term global impact on business and consumers

 APQC: Which organizations own the most efficient sustainable supply chains, and what makes them efficient?

JW: There are a few who have very efficient and sustainable supply chains. Sony, HP, Pepsi, Office Depot, the Coca-Cola Company, and Amazon are just a few. These companies developed a vision and sustainability strategy years age.

APQC: Where can someone find more research on green supply chains, green sourcing, and environmental management programs?

JW: Sites like www.apqc.org are good first steps. There is a nonprofit Web site, the Global Reporting Initiative, that offers additional guidance. That Web site has standards, metrics, best practices, and benchmarks (follow this link for more detailed responses to this important topic).

About Bellwether:

Bellwether Services is an award winning and internationally recognized strategic management consultancy firm advising global clients on complex issues of strategy, operations, technology, and sustainability.

Bellwether specializes in Spend Analysis, Spend Management, Lean Six Sigma, Green Supply Chain, Environmental and Quality Audit Solutions. Bellwether has served numerous industries including Consumer Products, Private Equity, Beverage, Chemical, Food, Aerospace, Global Logistics Solution Providers, as well as Public Health, Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical and the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security.

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Bellwether Services 
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